By this point, you know what your specialty is, how you want to serve people, who specifically you want to serve. Now you are ready to craft your “what do you do” statement.
I don’t know how many times I reworded my statement, every time someone asked me the dreaded “what do you do,” either I gave a long-winded speech about helping women heal their relationship with food and lose weight… or changed my title 20 times or worse yet, just told them my day job title, because I was too embarrassed to keep tripping over my words.
So that doesn’t have to be you, let’s work on it.
In the world of the working, I am a Physical Therapist. People say, oh, that’s nice. I have a bad back, on knee or do you give massages? They don’t necessarily ask me for business.
In the world of business when asked, the response is I’m a business strategist for women health and wellness coaches in the startup phase of their business. I help them get up and running in less time with less stress so they can make money doing what they love. The response is usually, Oh! How do you do that?
Here’s another example I found: I work with overwhelmed female entrepreneurs to help them take a mindful approach to their life and their business, so they can stop being busy and start living happier healthier lives.
Today, you are going to craft your statement. The goal is to elicit a “how do you do that” response.
Here is the basic sentence structure:
I help/work with ________ to do _______ (benefit #1) so they _______ (benefit #2)
Being very clear about what you do and who you do it for, along with focusing on the benefits of your service, make people want to find out more.
When you finish saying what you do, people should either:
1) want to know how they can work with you or 2) know of someone they need to introduce you to.
A lot of new coaches get tripped up on this part because they want to talk about the process of how they get the results, but people only care about the benefits to them.
Try it here. If we were to meet on the street (or in a Facebook group), how would you answer the question “what do you do?”
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Sorry for the confusion!