Brig Johnson
Welcome. I’m so excited. This was just one of my brain trials of just like wanting to get a couple of my badass coaching friends together. And sorry if I’m cussing for some of you guys,
Jennifer Dent Brown
No need to apologize,
Brig Johnson
I know. The opportunity to get sisters together that share in coaching and Jennifer, since you’re upfront there, I see you. It was because you and I were talking you were saying “l’m so glad that I have coaching going through this period” and “I was like yes.” And so I just want to do this zoom call this happy hour were we just get together and just kind of share our story with coaching. So, for the sake of the audience, just Let everybody know what your name is. And anybody who wants to share their story of how you came to coaching, like what was your first experience? or What was your first transformation? Whatever it is that you want to talk about that you think you would want someone to know about. So the door is open.
TaVona Denise
Yeah, I can take that. I think my first I’m TaVona Denise, and I am from the DC area, but based out of Atlanta. And it’s interesting because I’m a life and business coach for women in healthcare. So my initial experience with coaching, I was taking a continuing education course because my background is as a physical therapist, and they gave me a wellness coach certification at the end of that class and I was like, Okay, I guess I’m a coach now, but I have, I don’t really know what I’m doing. So I went on the internet to figure out how to start this business and I bumped into a lady and she was like, um, You only have one day you need some more training. So you need to go talk to this lady named Brooke Castillo at the Life Coach School and get some more training. And I have to tell you, I’m so glad that she did that. Because learning what I did at the Life Coach School completely changed my life. It I battled depression quite a bit. And at that time, it was very interested in being a healthcare professional and not feeling like you could say something about that, because I didn’t want it on my records. And it was just it like I I get emotional thinking about it, because I remember turning into Chris Blackie, who was my coach instructor at the time, and really understanding that I am in control of what I think and how I feel and that I could change it if I wanted to, or I could learn to process it. And I was like, wait, Chris, you mean that I can just think differently to feel better at any time that I want to. And she was like,”yeah”. And I think as a person in healthcare where burnout is so rampant, if I didn’t have those tools, I wouldn’t be here today happily doing what I’m doing after 18 years. So that’s been my experience. I want
Chavonne Perotte
To piggyback on what TaVona just said, Hello, everyone. I’m Dr. Chavonne. I’m a life and marriage coach. And I think for me, you know, coaching has made such a difference in just being able to take responsibility, so kind of like what TaVona was saying. We think that the circumstances and the things outside of us in my field, our husbands or other people are the reason that we feel the way that we feel. And I am both grateful and annoyed at coaching because what it teaches you is that you don’t get to blame the things outside of you for how you feel that you are in 100% control of what you think. And that is what is really driving your emotions. And so when you come to that awareness that it’s you that you are also, you know, you are always both the problem and the solution for anything you face in your life. It’s, it can be for some people off putting, but I have found it to be the place of my personal greatest source of empowerment to be able to sort of experience anything in my life the way that I want to and so I found coaching, actually, as I transition to motherhood, so I was up late at night nursing a newborn baby having a major life transition, leaving my career becoming a stay at home mom at the time. And I remember listening to Brooke Castillo’s podcast and just being like, Wait, what? Like, this is me. This is for my own mind. Like I control my emotions by how I think and And it’s really been life changing and I’m very, very grateful so I can really relate to what you said.
Brig Johnson
Yes, I am. Had a, I’m just gonna break it down y’all know I just stay real so I’m just gonna be real. Like, I found Brooke like you know how the Facebook ads keep following you like I said they stalk you like. Brooks at stopped me for like a year and I personally never clicked on the ad to even learn more now granted which was so strange to me because I’ve always thought oh life coach but I you know never clicked on her ad because I always saw this blonde hair blonde, you know white girl and I’m like, “What’s she gonna teach me” like I wouldn’t click on the ad like what was she gonna teach me? What she knows she’ll know that about my life. That was me and my thoughts about it. And then my girlfriend and I were in Thailand at the pool. And she brings out this book Self Coaching Scholars. And she’s like, “Oh, I’m doing my thing.” And I was like, “let me see that.” And I looked and I was like, “oh, I’ve been seeing her.” And so of course, I started listening to the podcast. And at that time, I was really upset and still feeling heartbroken over a relationship. And I knew personally, that it wasn’t the relationship. I just didn’t know how to let it go. But I knew something was off. I thought it was because I was old. And I was like, you just really fearful because you’re old. I was like, I have gotten gotten over some guys. I’ve gotten over way more than this. I knew I was personally making it bigger than it was, but I couldn’t figure out how. And the model was the thing that showed me and it gave me so much freedom. Like it wasn’t the guy. It wasn’t that it was the relationship. It was my boss about it. And I was like, (Gasp). So that was my transformation. I was like, and then I just like to TaVona says she said it much more eloquently than I could ever say it but like, I do have agency on everything and it’s always me and I love that. So yeah, that was my experience on it.
Sonia Wright
I’ll like to add on to that. I’m just Sonia Wright. You know me I do sex coaching for women. I came to life coaching relatively early when I, my other job is I’m a pediatric radiologist. And so I was in the middle of my residency and I like how you you looked at Brooke you thought how can this woman know anything about my life? And how can that person help and then you realize it’s not about the person. It’s what is it that they have to teach you? Because when I was in my residency, and I decided that I needed something to help me get through my residency to all the challenges that go along with doing post medical school training. I looked for a life coach and I actually found a life coach in the form of a nun. So I was in the middle of my residency and I was in a relatively small town and there were not a lot of life coaches, this is back in 2006. And so I reached out to this woman man and you would and, you know, she was this older white lady in her 50s. And he would think that we wouldn’t have anything in common, but I consider her my angel, you know, we were able to get the work done. She helped me manage my mind and figure things out and get through that. And then you just kind of add layer upon layer and you grow, and you slowly Transform to the point where, yeah, we’re in the middle of the pandemic, and I’m okay, you know, my mind, you have the ability to choose thoughts that serve you, you know, and this is what I love about life coaching is you figure out, is this thought something that’s going to help me get where I want to be? Or is this not going to serve me or is this not going to help me to get it make make me spin my wheels, and then I don’t go any further. You know? So when you get to that place where you can manage your thoughts and matters Your mind and go forward with it. That’s what I love about life coaching.
Brig Johnson
For sure, So anybody want to share their biggest transformation through coaching?
I will. I’m Jennifer Dent Brown, I am a life and weight loss coach. I started my journey, my weight loss journey back in 2014. And I struggled with my weight all through college, all through grad school all through my corporate career, like I tried every single diet, got a job, I was working, I was traveling 90% of the time. So always, always, always eating out in the room. And I always like to lose weight by just doing more stuff. Let me just follow this diet and we just follow this workout plan. And it wasn’t until I found my first coach, who was not Brooke, but she was the first person that showed me that my mind was connected to my body and that my lifestyle How is thinking about my life was contributing to my weight. And so that was my first introduction into like, I just have to like exercise more and eat less to lose weight. So I went and got certified. So that was my introduction to holistic health coaching so that I became a coach and I was starting to lose some weight and then I kind of plateaued because I was doing all the A’s, all the actions, and I had no conceptual understanding of like, my own thinking and how it contributed to my wait until I met my lovely friend, Chavonne here. Dr,Chavonne, and we became BFFs with coaching and our businesses. And she was like, listen to this podcast, and the podcast was the Life Coach School focus you. And I ended up working with one of her coaches. And that’s when I was like, “Whoa,” the model completely changed my life and my own business. And so then it just kind of catapulted from there. And I realized that the missing component for all of these women who are out here and I work with women to teach them how to stop dieting forever, is that y’all need to stop doing all the actions, stop doing all the actions. That’s what I learned and really, really learn to think about your food, think about your hunger, think about your circumstances, your life differently, and then the result will show up on the scale. And so that is my focus and that was like my biggest transformation but it was over time. And now that I have been In the coaching world and have my own life coach, I have my own business coach. The transformations have just been ridiculous. Just crazy. And that’s why Greg and I were talking, and I was like, Oh my god, I don’t know where I would be right now if I did not have coaching,
LaTanja Watkins
I would like to add to that as well. Like life coaching to me, like I just keep asking myself, okay, why, like, what what else can I even create with this because I just like, surprise myself every year. But initially, for me what I’m doing life coaching was just severe dissatisfaction at work. Like Sonia, I was in residency training after medical school. And that gets the best of like 99% of doctors and for me, like even like, it was a year before I finished training. I was already looking for jobs outside of this and just because I was so unhappy, and I felt a lot of shame around it. Because I was like, you know, only you know less than what 10% of people who apply to medical school actually get in and I felt like I had taken a spot up for all those years. And I was at a point where I was just like, I don’t even want to do it like I don’t find any happiness or satisfaction in it. And so my first coach was not related to broken the Life Coach School, but she was more of like a embodiment coach and but she also did kind of work around the a line. And so like, I learned a lot of tools to help me just kind of like put a bandaid on what was wrong. And so that got me through residency and fellowship. And my first job I experienced extreme burnout from that job and so that got me to another job that seemed better. But then about six months, in the honeymoon was over and all this stuff started coming. I’m like, What the crap? What happened? That’s when I ran across Brooke. And literally after listening to five podcasts, I just signed up for Coach training. I had no idea that some people had been waiting for like two years to get into coach training, but it just happened to be like perfect timing. And then I got in. And I feel like working with the model is just kind of like the ultimate rabbit hole. It’s just like, it looks like one thing but like, the more you kind of work with yourself everyday for me coach training, isn’t it, I love helping other people. But the biggest transformation like if I had never helped another people, like another person is completely worth every penny that I’ve ever given to any coach just from my own personal transformations. And so like the latest thing so initially working with Brooke I learned how to kind of like love the job that I was in and I was like okay, and then ultimately you’d like for me, like I now like really like my job. I really like my work. I’ve created an experience where I pretty much make two and a half times what I did last year, and I only work 10 days a month. And so it’s just kind of like every time something comes up for me, all I have to do is just kind of like go within coach myself work with my own coach. And it’s my, it’s not a genie in a bottle. But it is like magic in the sense that like you kind of have to get like they’re your own kind of like personal obstacles and stuff that you have to overcome, but you do your own work, like you can make anything in this world happen. And that’s what coaching has done for me. So,
Brig Johnson
Right. Monaye can you talk to us about because I know some people are like coaching, what’s the difference between that and like therapy? Can you talk to that? I think you had a great example of that.
Monaye Marcia
I’m a Monaye Marcia and I’m a trauma coach. And I do work with people on hard things. And one of the things that a lot of people come to me and they asked me, Well, I have a therapist already already did this work? And I’m like, absolutely great, right. And I think that you should, if you’re a person that either are non functioning, or you’re not sure how to get from stuck in that non functioning stage, and a lot of my people that come to me are suicidal, or they just mean it’s really deep, you know, it’s really hard things that they’re dealing with. And you absolutely should speak to someone if you need to on that level. But coaching isn’t about dealing a lot with what happened with the past. Like that’s gonna come up, right because we do what we call causal coaching. Like we want to get to the cause of why you’re stuck in that thought, like your belief system, etc. But it’s not necessarily about those circumstances and events that happened in the past. about what’s happening right now. And then how do you grow from that? How do you get to the other side? How do you get to choose what you want to do with your life? How do you create that future that you will absolutely love? Right? Like, how do you create whatever that is that you want? If it’s weight loss, if it’s sex, having amazing sex, if it’s being with your husband, or your partner, if it’s health care, like what do you want to do with your body? Like how do you want to feel about your job? Like if it’s for me helping my kid, like, want to know that she want to be on this earth? Like, hey, let’s do it. Let’s be on this earth. And then let’s do some amazing things while we’re on this earth. So I always like to tell people that it’s not wanted to say encapsulating, because there are therapists that do deal with a little bit future focus, but that’s not their sole purpose, from my understanding and the ones that I worked with. But that’s our purpose, our purpose to take people to their future. So find that future surround yourself and literally, like become it and walk in it right
Brig Johnson
Right, that is fantastic. Okay, so yeah, let’s, let’s just get real here now. Oh, there’s this thing called Ro Ro that’s going around. (Chatter and laughter) And Okay. Now described describe to me, anybody who would like to, I know I would like, describe to me how you think you would be handling it, had you not had the capacity to manage your mind and what is the benefit like? What are you and how are you dealing with Corona? CV-19?
Monica Brewster
May I answer?
Brig Johnson
Yes please.
Monica Brewster
Hello this is Monica Brewster. I am a style and self image coach. And if I had not had access to coaching or having understood or have gotten the training to now be a coach, I would completely be at the effect of what’s happening. It, it would have swept in like a tornado and completely taken over my life and I would have gotten caught up in the swirl in thinking that my entire life is now impacted because of what’s happening in it would be in my mind that my life is now different, that everything about my life is now different because this thing has happened. But what coaching has been able to do is to have me be able to create a space between what’s happening in life, which I understand is now neutral. Life is going to happen and my response to life. So before those two things were almost one in the same, but now I can kind of get a wedge in between What’s happening in life and how I am responding to it. And that is the very definition of response ability, ie empowerment. So that’s what coaching has done for me like I’m not at the effect of what’s happening with the corona virus. The Corona virus is something that’s happening in life. And then I got me over here doing what I’m doing.With me.
TaVona Denise
Yeah, I think that’s great. Did you say that? Monica because we have that. I don’t want the people that watch this to think that we’re like the superhuman people be just because we have the motto because I had my freakout moment in the midst of this. When I saw I’m like, Oh, he’s getting closer and all the way but at least then I knew all right, that wedge that you talked about like wait a minute, okay, these are just thoughts. I have. Okay, so now we have the actual everything shut down in Atlanta. We have the stay at home order Shelter in Place Order. Okay. That’s the circumstance now how do I want to think about this? I got options, that they are all available to me. But which one do I want to choose?
Brig Johnson
TaVona Denise
I want to choose to use this time to think use this time to create use this time to connect versus use this time to Netflix and chill use this time to worry about things that I can’t control. Right. So as
Chavonne Perotte
I love that, I think one of the things that has been really apparent to me as sort of like we scroll on Facebook, and I think, as I consider what coaching has really offered me during this time, is it’s helped me walk out my faith. So I know that you know, some of the people that may be listening to this may be thinking like, I don’t need coaching. I got God I got prayer and I think you know, there is room for all of that, especially when as a nation we are facing a pandemic, right. And so that is outside of everyone’s control. And so for me, what I love to be able to do with coaching is to really combine what I already know from my faith, right? So, in my Christian religion, we talked about taking your thoughts captive. And so what I think coaching is really magnified is that the thoughts will come right, you’ll receive some information, you’ll hear something, something will happen, the thoughts will come. And you know, just like God is telling us like you have the power to control that thought you can literally grab it and transform it into something else. It’s really began to focus your mind on the things that serve you. So when you mentioned and so what are the things that are true? I literally walked through, you know, the scripture that talks about that thinking about what is true what is, you know, a good report and excellent and worthy of praise. And so even in this moment, when our country our world, is in crisis and upheaval you No, I feel sorry for people that don’t know that they actually have the power to control the information and control the gates of what they’re receiving into their mind but then to also be in control of how they digest that where they let that sit in their soul in their spirit, and that we really do have the power to transform it into something that serves us and to focus on the future and know that at the end of all this like it’s all working for our good we’re going to be okay.
Brig Johnson
Yes. I love it because it’s it’s the way that I flesh out no matter what the circumstances like that scripture of no matter what I have learned that whatever the circumstances is, therefore I can be content like it is my method to choose contentment no matter what’s going on. And so my before is like definitely specially in my field, like my field is one of the ones that I thought was very insulated and very simple. Secure. And there are places and hospitals that are closing down their anaesthesia department and like I’m a nurse anesthetist, by trade and so they are like literally for low one them and my security up until I found the way to identify myself or to give myself my own security was what I did, what my title was how much money I had in the bank, all of that. And so, through learning how to use my thoughts and my model, my security now comes from me giving it to myself in my value. So how would be a freakin mess right now y’all, I’m like, honestly, I would be literally asking, Are y’all gonna lay us off or you’re gonna lay us off? And I am so like, after my it like, like everybody else. ToVana I wasn’t Superwoman either. I was like, Okay, I need to I need to go in. I just I’m just glad that I had it. That I could go in with and come out and then go back in again and then come out because I get in waves because that’s what it does. It comes like our emotions come in waves. And mines were like was like that sock a wako sock and like I did one and then another moment I didn’t want to make the work. waka waka (chatter and laughter)
Normal and to not have judgment on myself because that is normal but yet I have a tool to walk myself through it and to like to like coach myself. So yeah, my before like if I was doing this without coaching, I would. I know I would be a basket case. So that’s me for sure. Anybody else?
Jennifer Dent Brown
I didn’t have coaching. I think I would actually be very sick right now because literally two weeks ago, I got caught in the rabbit hole, the media I was consuming all the media I was on all these text message conversations with my friends. Where I live was the The epicenter of Pennsylvania and I freaked myself out with my thoughts. I just got lost. And literally for 24 hours I was sick, sore throat coughing, I was like I got it and all the worries and all that, oh my god, how am I going to my family’s not safe anymore. I have to like bleach the whole house like all of these spots that go to the ER, go to urgent care, like keeping me up in the middle of the night. And then I was like, Wait a second. circumstance. COVID-19 is a circumstance and I like literally pulled myself together in the span of like an hour. And then I was like I have a healthiest, healthiest immune system. I just started working on my thoughts and my emotions, that when I say I call I call it flipping the switch in my brain. And I did all the healthy things I knew what to do to boost my immune system and literally by Saturday 24 hours later I was fine. I was fine. So I use that example to share with all the people who are emailing me like I’m so worried I’m worried about my family, I’m worried about my friends my health. And I was like, Look, I understand I was right there with you but let me tell you what you can do to change that to flip the script in your head and understand that you have the power to change your thoughts about how you’re seeing this and so that’s been my message for the past few weeks into all of my clients and like all my my communications and our marketing like how do you want to use this time? Like ToVona said, how do you want to use this time? Do you want to use this time to overeat to over drink because you’re bored and you’re worried about you know, you lose your job or you have all these people in your house? Or do you want to focus on something wonderful, focus on some personal development, something you can take, take with you right now and grow yourself. So at the end of this because it will end Are you going to come out stronger The people are like, Oh, that’s interesting. Let me hear some more of that. I’m like, Okay, let’s talk. Let’s do it.
Brig Johnson
Yes, for sure. Anybody else?
Monaye Marcia
Yeah, I’m just gonna say, interestingly enough, I’m on the before I’m coaching and something like this, I would say I would still be the same person, just because that’s kind of my personality. But coaching gave me a different tool. But for COVID I haven’t really had to put it in my seat like for myself, but what the model did do and my coaching did do was helped me to have compassion for other people who are experiencing that, because I learned through my own self coaching, that I wasn’t really showing up as a person with compassion. Like I had it, I just didn’t choose it ever. Like I was more of the I’m gonna be frank. You know, that kind of person. Like I’m just gonna tell it like it is. But telling it like it is and having compassion at the same time. You can do that. And so what it allow me to do was actually show up in a way to help people through it. Because I show compassion because I could talk to them and tell them the same things that you were doing Jennifer, like, hey, let’s put that in your seat, you know, and create an A series for my people who are already dealing with grief, right? That they were doing that before Ro and 19 decides to show up. So they were already having some issues and not moving, and then you throw this on top of it, but I could have compassion for them and be like, okay, and I would have never had compassion for people the way that I do now and be able to show up and help them before I just wouldn’t it would have been about the world of me and not in like a I’m like on top of you about it. I just, yeah, I just don’t know if I would have been able to help anybody with it, you know, but it’s really been helpful because now I was able to like, create something for somebody else to help them and I would have not even chose that. First off, I would have just chose to keep my little How safe like we go, we know what to do we boost our immune system. But it just showed up so differently. And I think I’m truly blessed to have something that helped me be a better me to other people, which was very odd. I didn’t go into it, thinking that that’s what would have happened, but it’s totally showed up that way. And I just, I hope other people really understanding that understand that this coaching thing isn’t so froufrou or one and done like it’s life changing for every situation that comes up, like does not even matter. We’re all on here doing something different, right? And now we’re plugging in Kobe in our models. Right and how it’s happening everyone individually. I love that.
Brig Johnson
Sonia, you was gonna say something?
Sonia Wright
Yeah, I was also gonna say that. I love coaching because it allows me to ask myself the question, How do I want to show up in this situation? Do I want to show up Do I want to show up as a person running around? Screaming or do I want to show up? as the person that I want to be? In a month or two? What do I have to do in order to be that person? What thoughts do I need to think? What am I you know, starting with the end in mind? What do I have to do to move back to controlling my thoughts and, and taking care of that. And then, like Monet saying, having compassion and being there for my clients at this time, and I do sex coaching, and but I’ve been a life coach since 2016. And then I did sexual counseling training, and added that on since 2018. So I have a lot of these skills that I can bring together. So how can I be there for my clients, and what they need at this exact moment, you know, and then when I’m there for my clients coaching them, I also have to hear what I’m saying to them. And I have to be like, Oh, yeah, I gotta listen to what is coming out of my mouth. I better be living that life right now. So that that makes it reinforces me so I’m very thankful for being a coach. I am so sorry. thankful for my clients. I’m thankful for the training that I’ve gone through. And I’m really actually I’m thankful for this meeting too, because I’m listening to all these amazing women. I’m just like, Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, yeah, that’s true. So, right now I’m getting some more stuff, some more truth. So thank you.
TaVona Denise
When we talk about someone mentioned being future focused, I think having that future that we’re striving to helps us also not be at the mercy of what’s going on now. Because it’s just like when you’re so used to try working towards a goal, you know, stuff doesn’t ever work like you thought it would the first time anyway. So you’re just used to bobbing and weaving and adapting. And this is just one of those times. And so when you work with a coach, and it’s all about your future focus, and there’s uncertainty Anyway, there’s fear Anyway. There’s like the not knowing and the discomfort Anyway, you kind of build that muscle in your mind, so that when something like this comes in is nothing really new to you? I mean, yes, the the exact circumstance of COVID-19, coronavirus is new this, but having to pivot or change plans or directions in the middle of going towards something that part’s not new, and then also staying connected to Okay in this present moment today, just today. I’m okay.
Brig Johnson
Right. Right. So good. Anybody else?
Chavonne Perotte
I think one of the things that came up for me as Sonia was talking when she said, Who do I want to be in this moment is I feel like coaching equips you with different questions to ask yourself. So people right now, especially in this pandemic, are like, why is this happening? What you know, they’re asking questions that put them in fear and greater anxiety and really asking questions about things that are beyond their control. And so I love the question like who do I want to be in this moment, another one is like, what if this is the best thing for me? Right? I think like, no one’s asking that question about cobit. Like, how could this be the best thing for my career for my family, for my life for all
TaVona Denise
for my industry,
Chavonne Perotte
For everything, Like and I just love, like sitting in the possibility. I think that’s part of what coaching is about. It’s sitting in the best possible case scenario. And I think so much of the time when things you know, fall apart or feel like they’re not going the way you expected, we go to the worst case scenario and just stay stuck there.
Brig Johnson
Yes, sure. Anybody else? Okay, I have a surprise question. Uh Oh,. As black women, we have our cultural beliefs. What belief Have you had to work through that just was wasn’t true that you believed all the way up until the day you figured it out and coaching that challenged you that you had to work through. What was that belief?
Monaye Marcia
I think my biggest one, because I’ve worked through some beliefs Oh my goodness. My my reason even coming into self coaching was to be better a better me. Like, that whole compassion piece is like literally all my coaching thing is, like, How can I be better to the people that are around me? How can I want to be at home with my husband and my daughter? Like, how can I just be better and so there was so many beliefs that I had to go through. And I think the one that challenged me the most, was that you had to work hard. I used to really think that you have to start from the bottom and go through all the 32,000 steps. Right and you had to learn Work hard, and I’ve never been the person that loves to work hard. Like that. Just, I believed it, because that’s what everybody told me. But since I didn’t work hard, felt like that’s why I didn’t get to wherever the highest that was. I mean, I was grooving, but not wherever people say this mark is because I’m like, I’m not gonna work on it. So it’s just my, I don’t feel right up in the shot. And I was like, I’m not gonna
Brig Johnson
have the black tax, right?
Monaye Marcia
Yes. And so I was like, I don’t and, and the podcast, that’s how I got I got hooked to the brook or whatever got connected. One of them was talking about beliefs and like, what was one that really got you stuck? And it was that was the one that I was like, almost like I know that I don’t see other people doing it. You know, I, I’m in corporate. I started in corporate when I was in high school, and I’m like, I see other people. Matter of fact, she doesn’t even know how to do her job. Right? Working hard so why do I have to work more? But it’s always ingrained in me that as black people, we had to work hard because the x y, z element o p and I was like well I guess I’m not black because I don’t I don’t do it. I just don’t want to do it but I didn’t know that I could choose to be whatever I wanted to be and be amazing at it and not do the quote unquote working hard. And now that’s all like the message I spread to everybody and they just like crazy. I’m like, Okay, I’m gonna live your life because I’m working hard
Brig Johnson
Anybody else got one?.
LaTanja Watkins
I think for me like it was like as a black woman. All of your security and Happiness and worth comes from success. Yes, it comes from your job.And what you do and how much money you make back
Jennifer Dent Brown
what you wear?
LaTanja Watkins
What you spend your money?
Jennifer Dent Brown
I would say for me, it would be. We don’t pay for our personal development. Because I’ve been, you know, into personal development for a long time. And used to go to the little events and the only one of me and like me, one of my girlfriends, and that’s it. Right. And so a lot of like older white men or older white women, and that we just didn’t pay for personal development. So when I was going through my whole personal development phase where I was learning and exploring, it was a secret. I am a I am a preacher’s daughter, right? I wasn’t telling you about it. I wasn’t meditating. Right? It was just it was it was what I did. It was my own personal thing and my own personal journey and I didn’t have anybody like to talk about it. But until, you know, I decided to come out and go get certified as a coach myself, and then you know, doors started opening, I’d started being more comfortable, more confident.
Brig Johnson
That’s interesting. I had not heard someone from that perspective to Jennifer. Anybody else
Jennifer Dent Brown
Can talk about all day.
TaVona Denise
I was gonna say kind of in line with what Monet said in I was raised to work hard, you got to work that much harder than other people, right to get things to happen. So unpacking and unwinding that belief, but then also this idea, a lot of ideas around money, right, that it’s hard to make money that you have to work hard for the money that money doesn’t grow on trees and proven that shit wrong every day, and is so fun.
Brig Johnson
Right, right. I think I think just as a culture, we do have have money mindset and that work hard mentality, which, you know, it worked for us for so long. And then this is the idea of some of the thoughts that we had worked for us for so long, but now they just don’t service and to be able to just let some of them go. But to I think it’s the beauty of coaching as black woman is that we can identify those thoughts in our clients, like this thought may have served you all the way up to this point. We all know we all have the client that busted her butt to get to the top and she’s still hustling. She’s still working and she’s still striving because she thinks she has to work hard. And although that thought might have served her to can’t get there doesn’t serve her now and it may not even get her to the next level, right? So I love challenging all those beliefs. So as a culture, so anything else this has just been a fun thing. Anybody else got any comments, suggestions? what they want to say about the whole experience of coaching and you and what’s your next level?
Monica Brewster
I just say, I’m so thankful to have found coaching both for myself and wanting to learn and continue to learn to help other people and my, you know, client base is, you know, black women as well. Because I’m kind of similar to what the theme of the last question was. I was raised to think where I was allowed To think that racism and discrimination that I may or may not experience in my life was somehow, like my fault that it was because I was black, that this is just something that black people have to deal with. And it’s just an unfortunate byproduct of being black. And it puts the onus of it on me as like, oh, what an unfortunate circumstance you found yourself in to both be black and and to be a woman as well. And I know that we’ve all heard like the Double Strike, you got two strikes against you, and that does something to your psyche. When you are kind of hearing that as messaging from a young age, and so to know that anything that other people may think about me, or anything that other people may feel about me has nothing to do with me and has no bearing on the thoughts that I can have about myself that I can choose about myself has been a complete life changer, a complete life changer. And if that is something that if no other thing that I can do to change someone’s mind about anything else, I can get them to change it about that, then that is worth everything that I’ve invested in everything that, you know, I’ve learned, as far as you know, coaching is concerned.
Brig Johnson
Yes, We’re gonna leave it on that one. Yeah, how they feel about us as black women is totally on them. As Chavonne said, we have agency I love that we can own they can have their thoughts. That’s their model on that you have a boom. Right? So, thank you guys. Any last words? If not, we’re gonna close this up.
All right, thank you guys again. I’m Brig Johnson. I’m a life coach for black women who want to better their lives. This is Jennifer who is a life coach. Go ahead your life coach for
Jennifer Dent Brown
women to learn who want to learn to stop dieting forever, right and give it give them how to contact you. You can find me on Instagram at Jennifer Dent Brown. You can find me on Facebook, Jennifer Dent Brown my business page is coach Jennifer Dent Brown.
Brig Johnson
All right, Monica, how can people contact you your life coach for
Monica Brewster
women 40 Plus, who are not feeling good about how they see themselves and who are interested in cultivating a more healthy self image and to drive up their sense of inner beauty and confidence. And right now my Instagram handle is @everydiva style, but all of that is going to change because I’m totally rebranding everything. But for now, that’s probably the easiest way.
Brig Johnson
All right. Monaye how do people get in contact with you?
Monaye Marcia
I am on Facebook and Instagram and LinkedIn as Monaye Marcia, and I can be emailed at or you can reach me at, and I am a trauma coach for mompreneurs who want to help their trauma survivors are mompreneurs who wants to propel their businesses while they’re grieving?
Brig Johnson
All right, Tangi.
LaTanja Watkins
All right, I am Dr. Le Tanja Watkins. My website is the and I am a life coach for physicians who are experiencing burnout and want to enjoy the lives that they have worked. so damn hard to create.
Brig Johnson
Love it. Yes. TaVona.
TaVona Denise
Hi, everyone. I’m TaVona Denise everywhere @ TaVonaDenise, and I am a life and business coach for women in healthcare who want to create the life and business of their dreams.
Unknown Speaker
Right. And Chavonne, did I get you?
Chavonne Perotte
You didn’t get me so I am Dr. Chavonne right. You can find me on Facebook at Chovonne Lemore Perotte, I have a Facebook page. It’s Dr. Chavonne. You can find me there or you can listen to my podcast which is love marriage again, which is exactly what I do. I help women who are frustrated and annoyed with their husbands love their marriage again. So I’m on all podcast platforms there.
Brig Johnson
And last but not least, Mr. Sonia
Sonia Wright
And Dr. Sonia right. I am the midlife sex coach for women. You can find me on Facebook as the midlife sex coach or my website the You can also just find me at as well.
Brig Johnson
All right. Fantastic and I’m Bree Johnson and you can find me at Rick and Rick Johnson Facebook page. Thank you so much, everybody.
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